Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mall memories!

So, I had a pretty busy day today and the only reason I haven't crashed yet is because i am on a caffeine high. Got to go to Laser Quest and that was pretty fun, my codename was... SAMICH! yay! Then I went to the mall with some friends! double yay! So, as we were pretty much sleepwalking friend#1 showed us two of the girls,and some creep guy who bullied her last year. Me and friend#2 were a little mad but ignored them. We sat down at the table next to them and ate our double length twizzlers pretty good. As we sat there we kept pretty good eye on the mean beasts Lol! We totally aced the whole ignoring them part and stared them down. One of them started doing the cup song with her phone and was NOT good at it.  So, friend#1 walked up to the DQ and asked for a cup and showed them up like a boss. It was a cup war, then the creep dude who has a brain of mush yelled Who's my friend#1's name. I don't even know I was talking until I was done but, i said oh,this is her and by the way girls I heard you weren't to nice to her last year! way to go! (sarcasm of course) Then whispered to my them that we should leave they agreed so on the way out friend#1 threw the cup at them called them a name that i shall not repeat and told us to run. Therefore we did, we ran! When we got to Starbucks we laughed it was super terrible, humiliating and terrifying but, it felt awesome to stick up for a friend! I still don't even know where those words came from but, once they were said they were said and there is no erase button even thou I wish badly there was. Haha i'm small and weak but never underestimate  us shorties! After all everyone know one day we will rule the world!

1 comment:

  1. I dont like to use real names so this is why it is friend#1 and 2 :) sorry but, who doesnt love a little mystery!
